River Rafting in Rishikesh price

16 Km Rafting From Shivpuri

1. Start point: Tapovan (30 minutes - 1 hour drive).
2. End point: Before Laxman Jhula.
3. 30 minutes for the preparation e.g. guide tell you instruction, inflating rafts and safety briefing.
4. Takes about 2 to 3hr(depending on water current) to finish.
5. Includes minimum 7 big & small rapids.
6. Some Popular rapids: Roller coaster, Golf Course & Club house.

From Rs. 799/-

16Km Shivpuri to Rishikesh Rafting: Adventure at the Best Price

River rafting in Rishikesh is an amazing experience that you have never had in your life. Along with spiritual vibes you can also enjoy the river rafting in vibrant water of river ganga. Rafting activity is full of thrill with scared rapids. 

The 16Km Shivpuri to Rishikesh rafting route is the most popular route among the rafter’s whether they are experienced or first-time rafters, this route will take you to the most beautiful sceneries of Rishikesh and you will also enjoy the various small and big rapids during the rafting.  

Overview of Rafting from Shivpuri

If you want to seek rafting from medium to difficult level this 16km stretch of Shivpuri to Rishikesh rafting is for you. You’ll experience fast river water flowing, there are several rock barriers with rapids of grade 2 and 3. The several rapids are Golf course, Double Trouble, Roller Coaster, and Return to sender. All these together will give you a great experience also it’s a challenging job you have to put continues efforts during rafting.

  • Stretch16Km
  • Duration3 to 3.5hrs
  • Grade of Rapids2 & 3
  • Major RapidsRoller Coaster, Golf Course, Return to sender, Double Trouble

Best Time for Rafting in Shivpuri

The ideal time for river rafting in Rishikesh is from late September to November and February to may will be the great time to visit Rishikesh for river rafting as in these months weather is cool and pleasant with moderate water level.


Preparing for Your Rafting Trip

Essential gear to be carried for rafting in Rishikesh and some preparation tips for rafters:

  • Zip lock bag or Plastic bag (to carry small things)
  • Towel
  • Clothes and extra set of undergarments
  • Sunscreen
  • Old sneakers (flip flop not allowed)
  • Camera (waterproof)
  • Life jacket

Safety measures and guidelines to follow during the trip.

  • Always listen to your rafting guide carefully and follow the instructions sincerely.
  • Physical fitness is important as rafting demands physical strength.
  • Always wear your protective gears like helmet and life jacket of your size.
  • Don’t panic in any unexpected situations always listen to your raft instructor.
  • Avoid consuming drugs or Alcohol.
  • Keep check on weather conditions.


  • The price range for the 16Km rafting experience with grade 1&2 rapids is starting at 799/- per person. 
  • Factors affecting the pricing, such as group size, season, and included activities.

Choosing the Right Rafting Service

  • How to select a rafting service, considering factors like safety, experience, and cost.
  • Recommendations for reputable rafting companies, with a focus on value for money.

The Rafting Experience: Step by Step

A detailed walkthrough of the 16km rafting journey, from Shivpuri to Rishikesh.

  • First you have to arrive at our office. Meet with your instructor. The instructor will take you to the rafting point along with other group members in our vehicle from office to Shivpuri.
  • After reaching to the rafting point walk down to river ganga. The instructor will brief you about the rafting, safety instructions, do’s and don’ts during the rafting.
  • After fixing you safety gears, the rafting will start. During rafting you will face mild Grade 1 & 2 rapids which you will enjoy a lot. 
  • On guide supervision you can also enjoy Cliff Jumping and Body Surfing in River Ganga during rafting.
  • After reaching Nim Beach the end point of rafting our vehicle will drop you near the office from where the rafting was started. And this is the end of the rafting Activity.    

Highlights of the key rapids and attractions along the route.

The 16 km rafting will take 3hr to 3.5hr including 30 mins to 1 hour to reaching the starting point and preparation after that briefing the safety instructions.

The popular rapids are Roller coaster, golf course and club house. 

Cliff jumping and Body surfing is enjoyed my rafters a lot.

You can do camping near to beach.

Safety First: Navigating the Rapids

Importance of safety and adherence to guidelines.

River Rafting in Rishikesh is adventurous. But along with adventure you should always be mindful towards your safety so that you take home the most enjoyable memories with you.

Always analyze your physical fitness before you plan for rafting. Keep yourself hydrated and eat something before the rafting starts as it will help to keep your energy levels up. Ensure your protective gears are of your fit. Life jacket is most important to safe in case you fall out of raft, as it provides extra bounce, it is also helpful in other emergency situations. Lastly, also check the weather forecast avoid rafting in rainy season.

Role of guides and cooperation required from rafters.

Rafting guides are trained professionals he will guide you throughout the activity, from taking you to the starting point to the end of rafting, he will also teach you all the techniques of rafting and all the safety measures one should take in different situations. He will make your adventure more memorable.

As river rafting is a teamwork cooperation of all is very important. Rafters should always listen to the guide as the guide is an experienced professional, he knows well to how to deal with various hurdles during the rafting. The rafters are advice not to panic in any situation the guide is always they’re for your help. Just listen to him carefully and follow the instructions.

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